Category Archives: Conventions

Episode 91 -Interview with Rafer Roberts

rafer sketch


On this weeks episode we interview Rafer Roberts, writer on Valiant Entertainments Archer & Armstrong. Not only is he one hell of a writer he also draws his own comics, Plasticfarm and Nightmare the Rat.


Episode 91 – An Interview with Rafer Roberts

Looking for more information on Rafer? Check out his website:

PlasticFarm website

Valiant Entertainment – The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong


A&A poster


valiant comics
various Valiant books from C2E2


RPGCON V – Part 1

rpgconprint 1

Coming to a small work place office next weekend, I will be hosting the fifth annual RPGCON. I put this event together in the hopes of expanding our player pool, try out new games and introduce new players to role playing games in general. Back in 2012 on a random day in March RPGCON 1 was born. This free, invite only convention brought gamers from other groups together for a 10 hour day of role playing! I came up with this crazy idea to have the day split in half. Three games in the morning, then three other GM’s would take over new games for the afternoon.

Needless to say this went horribly wrong, games ran late, one game group merged with another game, Total chaos! At the end of the day each GM got to pick a reward from a selection of graphic novels  that I had brought to the event. Then each GM picked the best player in his group to pick a prize. Everyone had a great time but I know I had to make changes if I was going to continue my little convention the following year.

A Few Convention Badges (2012-2015)

Now the con had to be stream lined since I realized the mistakes I had made the previous year. First up games would be played all day with a short break for lunch (We do a potluck signup each year). To make it feel more like an actual convention I started making badges for all the attendees. Its become a tradition that I am very proud of and I really enjoy designing the badges. Not much has changed over the last couple years, the average amount of attendees is around 20 people which allows us to keep the games at a reasonable 4 players per game. Plus we have had a great group of GM’s that volunteer each year. Here is a list of the games we have played thus far:

AD&D – 1st & 2nd & 5th editions


A Song of Fire & Ice

Robotech / Robotech RPG Tactics

Harn – Zombie Apocalypse

Marvel Super Heroes 

Savage Worlds – Gas Light

D6 Space adventure

Legend of the Five Rings


  • to be continued with this years 5th anniversary special

Episode 80 – A Valiant Interview


Interview with Andy Liegl – Sales Manager for Valiant Entertainmant


On this weeks episode we are joined by Andy Liegl from Valiant Entertainment! We discuss the current slate of Valiant comics, upcoming movies, the Valiant RPG and much more!


The Valiant
The Valiant
The fall of Ninjak
Andy Liegl
twitter: @yourfriendandy
instagram yourfriendandyl

Valiant Entertainment
424 West 33rd Street
Suite 420
NYC, NY 10001 — @ValiantComics — Valiant Facebook
Valiant Mini Mates

Episode 73 – RPGCON 4


Looking back at RPGCON 4

On this weeks episode I ask a few friends to join me in discussing this years RPGCON. A yearly event orginized by our very own GREENLOONTERN! This years RPG’s included: Earth Dawn 4th edition GM – The Dancing Bear, D&D 5th edition GM – The Rambler, Robotech / Robotech RPG Tactics GM – Greenloontern(out with food poisoning) Roy Folkker filled in.

Episode 69 – January Comics Pics


Episode 69 – January Comics

On this episode we discuss our pics for January and chat a bit about our upcoming trip to C2E2! Let us know what comics you enjoyed the most this month and if you are headed to C2E2!


Pick #1Star Wars #1

Publisher: marvel comics

Art: John Cassaday

Writer: Jason Aaron

Colorist: Laura Martin

Cover: John Cassaday

Characters: Han, Leia, Luke, chewbacca

Synopsis – The gang’s all back causing trouble for the empire and this time they arrive at a weapons factory on Cymoon 1. Han is pretending to be Jabbas emissary to gain access to the facility, their goal is to blow up the main power core. Luke locates prisoners via the force and frees them. There is a nice little shout out to Ben Kenobi as luke severs the hand of the slave master. As they begin their escape Vader arrives, Chewbacca tries to take him out with a sniper rifle. Meanwhile C3P0 is having his own problems with the millennium Falcon which is nearby in a junkyard and luke decides he has to face Darth Vader.



Ratings –

Art – 3.75 out of 5

Story –  5 out of 5


Pick #2 Red Sonja #14

Publisher: Dynamite

Art: Walter Geovani

Writer: Gail Simone

Colorist: Adriano Lucas

Cover: Jenny Frison


Characters: Red Sonja, Havan, Fellan, Wizard

Synopsis Starts in a tavern in a town that Red Sonja had recently saved.  The brother of the wizard Red Sonja comes in and asks for her but she had already left.  He then forces everyone to drink themselves to death.  Next goes to Red Sonja where she runs into Havan.  Who keeps calling her princess and thinks he is her apprentice.  You find out that the wizard she killed had cursed her by removing her forgiveness.  She has a flashback to her family being killed.  She is down to killing the last member who had killed her father the crossbowman Fellan.  Apparently he had tracked her down. He is asking for forgiveness but she can’t forgive men jump out of the woods to protect she starts killing them all.  One asks for forgiveness hiding behind Havan.  Havan begs her to go to her soul.  She sees the wizard she kills and then scream.


Ratings –

Art – 4 out of 5

Story – 4 out of 5


Pick #3 –  King: The Phantom #1

Publisher: Dynamite

Art: Brent Schoonover

Writer: Brian Clevinger

Colorist: Brent Schoonover

Cover: Darwyn Cooke

Characters: The Phantom (Lothar), Mandrake the magician, Guran

Synopsis: This book continues where Kings Watch left off. with the death of the 23rd Phantom, Lothar picks up the mantle to carry on the legacy and to find the remaining Walker family heir. While not having much luck finding the heir, Lothar has a pirate problem that he needs to address. After some head bashing and bullets, The phantom decides to infiltrate the pirates by posing as Gurans body guard. (guran is playing the part of a warlord)

Ratings –

Art – 4 out of 5

Story –  4 out of 5


Pick #4 Reyn #1

Publisher: image

Colorer: Paul Little

Art: Nate Stockholm
Writer: Kel Symons

Characters: Reyn, Seph, Baron


Synopsis Starts out in a farm where a giant spider attacks.  Out of no where Reyn comes in and kills the monster.  He then thanks his god.  Farmer puts him up for the night but wants him to stay so sends his daughter out to sleep with him.  Next thing you know Reyn rides to town Ledwain.  He sees slaves being brought out to the mines.  Next you meet Seph who apparently is the story teller.  She is a mystic of Tek and can use magic and is attacked but fends off 10 men.  She goes into the bar and berates Reyn for not helping her.  You find out that the Baron of Allwyn had wiped out monks along time ago and they think Reyn is one so they send in troops to get him.  They go to the bar where Seph and Reyn are.  Reyn starts talking to himself everyone thinks he is nuts but he just continues on.  Next him and Seph take on all the troops



Ratings –

Art –  4 out of 5

Story – 4 out of 5

Make a Move for MARS

Make a Move for Mars

Roy Folkker here to tell you about a wonderful event coming up in the Twin Cities called Make a Move for MARS.

A little bit about MARS.

Midwest Animal Rescue and Services is a wonderful dog rescue out of Brooklyn Park that works to find temporary and permanent homes for Dogs and Cats. As well, they have training and services to help promote safe and healthy pet ownership.

They are an incredible service, and I enjoy volunteering for them as much as I can.

With that being said, lets get to the geeky part!

What is Make a Move for MARS?

Is a open ended fundraising and gaming session. This means that anyone is welcome. All that is required of you is to go to the site (Make a Move For Mars) and register. Once you have registered, you will have created a personal donation page. Share that page with all your friends and family to help raise money for MARS. Then show up on the date, with your own games, or join in some of the other board games already there.

When is Make a Move for MARS?

It is on March 28th 2015 and it is actually coming up pretty quickly here, so please go and register (or if you can’t attend, please donate a participant, such as myself). The party starts and Noon, and will finish at Midnight.

Where is Make a Move for MARS?

DoubleTree Hotel
411 Minnesota St
Saint Paul MN 55101

Who is going to be at Make a Move for MARS?

This is the cool part. Tony Amendola is going to be there. Yes, the impressive Master Bra’tac of Stargate.

Please, go check it out, spread the word, and please, if you can feel free to donate to this wonderful cause, I know I could use some help Roy Folkker’s Donation Page

Upcoming 2 episode mega event!



Coming in three weeks! We are celebrating Supernatural with not 1 but 2 episodes dedicated to the series! Thats right, the first one will focus on the long running TV series, comics and more! While the second episode will be another RPG Corner featuring the Supernatural RPG (Cortex system)!

If you would like to comment on the series, comics or RPG (good or bad) comment below and we will read it on the show! Come on people join in the discussion!